Discover the Magic of Blind Drawing: 5 Tips to Unleash Your Creativity

Have you ever tried blind drawing? I often use this technique as a warm up exercise as it’s super good for helping me to free up. This intriguing technique allows you to tap into your artistic instincts, creating unique and expressive artwork. By relinquishing the urge to see and control every line, blind drawing opens doors to a world of artistic exploration and surprises. In this blog post, I delve into the fascinating world of blind drawing and share my five essential tips to help you embark on this no pressure creative journey.

Simple still life of flowers in a jam jar for a blind drawing exercise

1. Embrace the Simplicity: Blind drawing doesn’t require expensive materials. Grab a jam jar from your kitchen and fill it with water. Now, head outside and collect a few flowers or leaves, which will serve as your subjects. This cost-effective approach allows you to focus on the fundamental principles of blind drawing without breaking the bank. Try to select an unusual shape of jam jar to give you an extra challenge.

2. Prepare the Background: Before you start blind drawing, consider preparing an interesting background. You can use watercolours, acrylics, inks or any other medium of your choice to add depth and texture to your canvas or paper. This provides a visually captivating foundation for your blind drawing experiment. You could also try collaging some scraps of paper onto the background sheet to give create interest, and provide something to respond to.

3. Trust Your Touch: When engaging in blind drawing, you rely solely on your sense of touch and hand-eye coordination. Choose a drawing tool that suits your style and preferences. I do like to use a fine liner pen but you could also try pencil, charcoal, art graf, biro or coloured pencils, just experiment with different options. Each tool offers a unique tactile experience, enabling you to create a variety of effects and textures.

4. Let Go of Perfection: Blind drawing encourages you to let go of perfectionism. Embrace the imperfections and unexpected results that arise from this technique. Allow your hand to wander freely, following the contours of your subject without the interference of your sight. The beauty of blind drawing lies in its raw and spontaneous nature.

5. Explore Texture and Form: As you progress in your blind drawing practice, experiment with different techniques to capture texture and form. Vary your line weights, explore cross-hatching, or use shading to add depth to your drawings. Blind drawing presents a unique opportunity to explore the tactile qualities of your subjects and express them on paper in unconventional ways.

Blind drawing is a captivating technique that invites you to explore your creativity without constraints. By using a simple jam jar, cost-effective natural subjects, and a variety of simple drawing tools, you can embark on a journey of self-expression and artistic discovery. Remember to embrace simplicity, let go of perfection, and trust your instincts. With these five tips, you are now equipped to dive into the enchanting world of blind drawing and unlock your artistic potential.

Why not give it a try? Click here to see a short video

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