Who needs an Art Accountability BuDDy?

Sam Waters artist standing infront of a blue door wearing a green scarf and pink coat with the words where is my accountability buddy

Ever felt lost in the vast world of art after a stint in the corporate world? Join me on my art journey, where I stumbled upon the perfect partner-in-crime for accountability, Rachael, who helped transform my creative endeavours. Let’s dive into the messy, inspiring, rollercoaster ride that has been my art adventure so far.

Setting the Scene: From Corporate to Canvas

After 28 years as an IT project manager, I took the plunge back to my artistic roots. The creative bug bit me, and I needed an outlet beyond the corporate grind. With my entrepreneurial spirit and creativity I launched myself into a new world of art and creativity.

Finding Rachael: The Unplanned Art Buddy

Cue the entrance of Rachael! Our paths crossed during ‘POD’ calls, revealing a shared sense of adventure. Little did I know, she’d become my indispensable art buddy. Check out her fabulous work here Rachael Johnson Art . A ‘POD’ is a group of artists at similar stages, it was set up as part of an art membership I belong to.

Weekly Arty Chats: Consistency is Key

Every Monday, Rachael and I embark on our ‘Arty Chats.’ No matter where life takes us, we ensure our creative fires keep burning. Beaches, car parks, or moving vehicles – nothing stops us!

Tech Tools and Techniques

We’ve tried it all – Teams, Messenger, but the magic happens on What’s App. Weekly Video calls followed up with messages during the week, which ensures we check on progress and keep on track. Google Docs for sharing, Insta for any immediate updates – we’ve found that these tools keep us dynamic and low maintenance!

Big Rock Project: Art Fair Dreams

Our 2023 dream of a joint Art Fair didn’t quite pan out, we each did a fair individually and learnt a lot, but 2024 West Sussex is on the horizon for us both. Click here for more details. Rachael and I share tips, suppliers, and critiques, turning setbacks into stepping stones. It is so helpful having someone to bounce ideas off, and support me and for me to be able to offer support.

Healthy Competition and Motivation

Rachael’s my secret weapon! Healthy competition keeps us on our toes. When she nails a task, I’m spurred to action. Mutual motivation at its finest!

In-person Sessions: From Art Trails to Prosecco Brainstorms

Picture this: Art Trails, prosecco, and brainstorming. Our in-person sessions go beyond the screen, infusing creativity, generating excitement and energy. Collaborating is not just productive – it’s a blast!

Structured Sessions and Monthly Reviews

Our weekly sessions now have a rhythm, with structured topics to check in on each week. Monthly reviews with defined metrics help us track our progress, ensuring we stay on the right creative track. It really is a combination of creative studio time and business topics.

Quarterly Gamechanger: The Power of In-person Meet Ups

In-person meetups are the cherry on top! Quarterly sessions add a spark, turning our creative plans into concrete actions. Face-to-face magic! Top Tip, find somewhere mid distance between you, select a great meeting place, we like The Boston Tea Party, for great food and BIG tables so we can spread out. Take a portable creative activity – to start kick the brain into creative thinking, remember this is an art business and should be FUN.

Artistic Buddy Advice: Seek, Share, and Inspire

To all artists out there, find your own Rachael. Expect accountability to be a two-way street, where inspiration, skills and experience flow both ways. Accountability and finding a buddy are the key that unlocks the excitement and builds the energy in your artistic journey. Check out Rachael’s thoughts here.

Conclusion: Accountability Unleashes Energy, Excitement and Fun

Art accountability is not just a buzzword; it’s the secret sauce that makes the journey thrilling. Unleash your creativity and embrace the exciting twists of our artistic adventure. Building our art businesses on collaboration, kindness and accountability has been a huge success for both of us.

I’ve spilled the beans on my transformative art accountability journey with Rachael, and now I would love to hear YOUR stories! Whether you’re just starting your creative adventure of if you are an established artist, share the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Drop your stories in the comments and we can all share our creative accountability experience.

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